Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Homeschool English Curriculum on DVD - News

Questions and Answers

Has anyone use Abeka dvd curriculum? What is your opinion on it?

This is our 3rd year homeschooling. She is going into 5th grade now. So far I have used several different curriculum and I would like to use one and keep it.

If you have used Abeka dvd curriculum please give me your opinion and the pluses and minuses.

Thank you.

Posted by Lorena


I have homeschooled for many years. Here are some considerations:

1. Why do you want to switch to a DVD program? Are you tired of interacting with her? Why not place her in a Christian school that uses Abeka? At least she would have a living person interacting with her, and not stare into a screen all day.

2. DVD programs are new and exciting at first, during the first part of the school year. Of my 4 friends who were avid Abeka DVD school users, all of them told me that their children tuned out the "teacher" about halfway through the end of the year. Other kids complained that the lessons were too long, repetitious, they "already know it so why must I watch it?" You know, all the reasons we homeschool our kids rather than have them go to school…

3. Pluses: The teachers on the DVD do not get burned out, busy, have infants to feed, ect. They are always there and are very thorough. I liked the 5th grade teacher's cheeriness. I don't always have that sense of joy over prepositions.

4. More Pluses: The Abeka curriculum itself has produced two generations of well-educated children and it does not have major "holes" in it, itself. It is workbook-y, that is, the lessons are not based on "living" or "real" books or "original sources" but instead are excerpts from books, or textbooks, with accompanying workbooks. Some kids learn very well this way, others tune out textbook stories and have a stronger preference for hands-on learning, writing about their learning, or using biographies/literature to learn.

(I was educated with Abeka and my eldest child attended a Christian school this past year that used Abeka, so you could say that I am familiar with it, and I ahve also watched many of the DVDs as my husband and I struggled to decide what was the best route for our kid).

5. Abeka DVDs are also cheaper than a private school.

BUT….have you asked your daughter her preference? If you don't have the time to sit down with her and work out all the schoolwork with her all day, (and I don't either, so I'm not getting all self-righteous on you) have you thought about another curriculum where she just independently studies and you "guide" her as needed? (Think ACE, LifePacs, and even Apologia or Emma Serl's English or Writing Strands – they are intended for self-study)

You do not need to use ALL of any one curriculum for your daughter! You might think "Math is NOT my thing – I will use the Abeka DVDs for that subject" but teach her English and writing. That is totally OK. And it provides balance, and it won't give her a TV headache or a backache from sitting all day watching a screen (been there, done that).

I hope that I gave you a thorough answer. What really turned me off were the HomeschoolReviews.com reviews of the DVDs. Once I read about 40 negative reviews I realized that it was not for us. I suggest you try going there and looking at what people have to say. Also, try looking into some of the other curriculum intended for busy moms and dads out there – there are so many options now. Best of luck to you.

10 points to the person who can give me the longest list of homeschool curriculum companies!?

Can you give me the longest list of homeschool curriculum companies? 10 points to the person who can come up with the most!!

Uhm.. Not what I was lookin' for .. Haha… I was thinking along the lines of:

"BJU, A Beka, Alpha Omega, Sonlight, Beautiful Feet"


Posted by .


From http://ift.tt/1iq9U4K

one of my favorite blogs


The Teaching Company All subjects, K-12, AP, College, Adult Education Video Based $$$ New!

The Learning Company K-12 Software based learning systems, games, supplemental materials New!

Great Source All subject, alternative ed, write source LA. K-12


Discounted classroom supplies, posters, supplemental resources (workbooks/software) all subjects K-12 Updated!

ABC School

Discounted classroom supplies, posters, supplemental resources (workbooks/software) all subjects – mostly early elementary. New!


Special needs equipment and supplies New!

The Writing Company

Writing, Literature, DVD’s, Charts and Posters, AP materials gr 4-12

Childrens Books

Discount curriculum supplier, many secular titles

Homeschool Super Center Great prices, individual products or custom packages (Not entirely secular)

Carolina Biological

Science and Math supplies, curriculum and equipment. K-8 Science plus lab materials for AP high school courses. K-12 Math materials

Common Sense Press

Wordsmith, Great Science Adventures. Language Arts, Math, Science. K-8 (Some high school) Not a secular company.

Critical Thinking Books and Software

Thinking Skills books and software, logic, all subjects, K-12, Editor in Chief writing materials

Curriculum Associates

Supplemental resources, all subjects. Good test prep materials. K-12

Delta Education Science, Math, Reading kits. “In a Nutshell” kits. K-12

FES: Discounted and Used Textbooks Textbook/Workbook supplier for all major titles used in public K-12 system. New and used books

Pearson Learning Modern Curriculum Press, Spelling Workout

Rainbow Resources Center Slow shipping, but very comprehensive supplier. Not a secular company.

Singapore Math, Science, English, and preschool art. While I don’t care for the odd language in these books, I know many people use them with great success.

Textbook Publishers Textbook publisher, sells to homeschoolers

Horizons Alpha Omega’s Secular Math and Language Arts programs.

Remedia Hi-Lo reading, lots of basic supplemental workbooks, art and crafts, all subjects

Evan-Moor Comprehensive supplements and single subject workbooks, all subjects. I especially like their geography series.

Dinah Zike I’m only familiar with her Lap Booking materials and Science titles. Excellent.

Usborne Colorful and comprehensive reference materials for all subjects. Updated!

DK Books Doring Kindersley publications, excellent children’s reference books

McGraw Hill Spectrum Workbooks Supplemental workbooks, all subjects. Can be used as stand alone curriculum. (these can be purchased many places; link is for reference only)

A+ Teach Children Supplies and supplemental materials New!

Classical Home Education Exclusive provider of R.E.A.L science and History Odyssey


Right Start Math Elementary and intermediate manipulative and text based math.

Horizons Alpha Omega’s Secular Math and Language Arts programs. Not a secular company.

Singapore Math, Science, English, and preschool art. While I don’t care for the odd language in these books, I know many people use them with great success.

Math U See Manipulative based math program. Not a secular company.

Saxon Saxon Math K-12

Key Curriculum Key To: Series of math books. Single subject workbooks, good for review, supplement, or stand alone

Lial’s Basic College Math A comprehensive math program, suitable for elementary or remedial high school level. Lial’s Basic Algebra is at the same site.


The Writing Company

Writing, Literature, DVD’s, Charts and Posters, AP materials gr 4-12

Dorbooks, Inc. Phonics Pathways Reading instruction curriculum

Easy Grammar Systems Grammar curriculum for all grades/levels

Johnny Can Reading, Writing, and Spelling

Scholastic Books Excellent source for award winning children’s literature

EPS Mega Words, Wordly Wise, many other great language arts programs

Perfection Learning Graded Readers, Hi-Lo Readers, A huge catalog of literature separated by subject, excellent for planning when using “real books”.

Wordsmith One of my kids loved this program. Two hated it. I didn’t care for it. Very dry. I’m not a big believer in grammar programs.

Writing Strands Challenging, but it wasn’t a good fit for my kids

Reading Reflex Very comprehensive phonics based reading program

Growing With Grammar Grammar program, similar to R and S but secular


Social Studies School Service

Supplier of World and US History, Government, law, economics, geography, historical literature, charts, maps, posters, DVDs

Bluestocking Press

Supplier of World and US History, Government, Uncle Eric Series, maps and kits. Some math – economics. K-12

The History of US An excellent US history “spine” for K-8

History Odyssey Classical K-12 history program, written especially for homeschool use


Nasco Catalogs Nasco has great science materials, although it’s primarily an industrial supply company. Check out their special education catalog.

Carolina Biological

Science and Math supplies, curriculum and equipment. K-8 Science plus lab materials for AP high school courses. K-12 Math materials

Animal and Nature Science on CD I have a couple of these – they are incredible.

Delta Education Science, Math, Reading kits. “In a Nutshell” kits. K-12

Singapore Math, Science, English, and preschool art. While I don’t care for the odd language in these books, I know many people use them with great success.

R.E.A.L Science I have not used this product, but it is written specifically for homeschoolers and come highly recommended by my readers.


AudioBooks Recorded books, rentals, downloads

Recorded Books Recorded books, specializing in childrens and text books

Science and Surplus Cool surplus items, science, electronics, household – weird stuff

Dover Publications Supplemental art and coloring books for many subjects

Artistic Pursuits Art Lessons

Meet the Masters Art History

Atelier Art lessons, art history, more New!

Cuisanair Manipulative’s

Draw 50 Series Art/Drawing

Getty Dubay Italic I chose Italic instead of cursive for all my kids, much easier

Draw Write Now Early pre writing curriculum

Mindware Critical thinking and logic materials

Royal Fireworks Press Materials for Gifted Children

Charlotte Mason The Original Classical Homeschooling Method

Kids Art Excellent source of Art materials, books, lessons

Handwriting Without Tears Excellent first penmanship program

The Learning Company Educational Software Titles


Curriculum Services Custom Boxed Curriculum packages

Core Curriculum of America Custom Boxed Curriculum packages

Homeschool Super Center Great prices, individual products or custom packages (Not entir ely secular)

American School of Correspondence Dry, but functional high school program. Certainly not challenging. I doubt the college prep program would prep a student for anything other than jr or community college. One of my kids finished the entire 4 year program in 18 months.

Atrium School, Inc. Boxed Curriculum

Calvert School Boxed Curriculum

Clonlara Company that does not provide boxed curriculum, but will maintain record keeping and assign Carnegie credits to a student’s home based learning program and will issue an accredited transcript and diploma. Updated!

Oak Meadow Boxed Curriculum

K12: Education for a Lifetime Boxed Curriculum

Laurel Springs School, Homeschooling and Independent Study Programs. Accredited


I generally buy my used books at Amazon or Powell’s online. I no longer trust ebay, and I won’t recommend any “message board” type selling environment because it’s just too hard to track buyers and sellers.

FES: Discounted and Used Textbooks Textbook/Workbook supplier for all major titles used in public K-12 system. New and used books

The Back Pack Used textbooks and homeschool curriculum

Amazon New!

Powells Good for searching OOP books New!

Educator’s Exchange Used Homeschool Books and Curricula: buy, sell, or trade. Good selection and prices

Heather’s Homeschool Hideout Used, not a big selection. Good prices.

Books About Homeschooling

A Catholic Homeschool Treasury Rachael Mackson and M. Wittman

A Charlotte Mason Companion Karen Andreola

A Charlotte Mason Education Catherine Levison

And the Skylark Sings to Me David H. Albert

And What About College Cafi Cohen

Anyone Can Homeschool: How to Find What Works For You Terry and Tyler Dorian, Zan Peters

Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant Life Homeschooling Diana Waring

Christian Home Educator's Curriculum Manual Cathy Duffy

Dr. Beechick's Homeschool Answer Book Ruth Beechick

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling John Taylor Gatto

Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense David Guterson

Going Home to School Llewellyn Davis

Home Learning Year by Year: How to Designa Homeschool Curriculum From Preschool Through High School Rebecca Rupp

Homeschool Open House Nancy Lande

Homeschool Teacher Plan Book F. Schaffer

Homeschool Your Child For Free Laura Maery Gold

Homeschoolers' Success Stories Linda Dobson

Homeschooling: A Parent's Guide to Teaching Children Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days Nancy Lande

Homeschooling Almanac 2000-2001 Mary and Michael Leppert

Homeschooling For Excellence David and Micki Colfax

Homeschooling Handbook Mary Griffith

Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead For College Admission Jeanne Gowen Dennis

Homeschooling on a Shoestring Melissa L. Morgan

Homeschooling: Open House Nancy Lande

Homeschooling: the Early Years Linda Dobson

Homeschooling: The Middle.

HELP!! I have decided to be home schooled and need help finding a curriculum that offers a diploma?

I have decided to be home schooled i am in 12th grade and need to find a good curriculium, online program or something that will offer me or give me a dipolma(hopefully accredidted) when i finish this said program. I am very confused and would like some advice or good suggestions.

Hopefully something that doesn't cost to much!

None of your buissness i asked for advice not criticisim.

Posted by dickslap_judy


I also wanted to let you know – your curriculum doesn't have to give you your diploma for it to be legit. Your parents can sign your diploma and transcript, and it's perfectly fine. A parent-signed diploma and transcript is accepted by everyone from the local community college to Harvard or Berkeley.

There are plenty of good curricula out there that will keep your records and give you the diploma, but it's really not necessary as far as colleges or the military are concerned. This is basically to save you or your parents the record-keeping. Accreditation is mainly for if you're planning on going back into public school after your homeschooling year (which you're obviously not) – accreditation makes it more likely that the public school will accept your homeschooling credits.

Every college or university in America accepts homeschool transcripts and diplomas (accredited or not), as long as they are complete and accurate. It is fully legit for you to pull your own curriculum together, make a course outline with your parents, and graduate with it. To this end, here are some curriculum options you may want to look into:

English/Writing/Language Arts:

IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing): http://ift.tt/1iq9U4M They have every writing program you could want :-)

http://ift.tt/1iq9Stu; More good lit analysis stuff

http://ift.tt/1jZiPzr Excellent literature based program

http://ift.tt/1iq9Ul6; Good literature based worldview curriculum, classical


http://ift.tt/1jdMO6s Very conceptually based, taught by DVD

http://ift.tt/1jZiPzy; Not one of my faves, but a lot of people use it with success


Http://trisms.com/ This is excellent, and will cover your history, geography, lit, writing, humanities, and lots of other stuff. You make your own coursebook as you go along and research what is important to you. I'll be using this for my son from 6th-12th.


http://ift.tt/1jZiPzA; One of the best curriculums I've seen for science. Includes AP as well for bio/anatomy, chem, and physics. All books can be supplemented by MP3 and/or CDRom.

Here are some good "boxed" curriculums to look at, as well:



http://ift.tt/1jZiNYq They have several different options, including an academy where they will take care of the records and such for you.

And here is a place you can find almost all of the above at a discount: http://ift.tt/1jZiNYs

Whatever you choose to do, hope that helps!

EVENTS 5-16-14

May 17 : Sandwich author William Burbank will speak and sign copies of his new book, Reflections from the Cape Cod Canal , 2 to 3 p.m. At Titcomb’s Bookshop, 432 Route 6A, East Sandwich. 508-888-2331.


Homeschool English Curriculum on DVD

via WordPress http://ift.tt/1tkWcW1

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