Questions and Answers
I am a stay home mother that also works from home and 1 day a week in the office . I plan on homeschooling my 4 yr old but I am looking for a curricula that doesnt require me to do too much time planning for lessons and is flexible. I've ben looking at oak meadow , k12 and others. Can anyone recommend some that would fit my needs and please also leave your review of what materials you use
maybe i should have made myself more clear. I plan on homeschooling my son when he reaches about 5-5 1/2. As of now he's learning things without a curriculum.
Try looking at for curriculum reviews from a wide range of homeschoolers.
Also check out to see their list of "typical course of study" for pre-k to see what is normally learned at that age.
But realistically, a four-year-old doesn't need much of a curriculum. Get a cheap phonics workbook from a local discount store. Watch fun educational videos or DVDs such as the LeapFrog series (for teaching phonics and reading skills) or "Between the Lions" (for more advanced reading skills) or the "Magic School Bus" series (for science). And read to her a lot. Get a library card and go to the library often for story times and to check out books. Read to her stories, history and science books, books about careers and places around the world, books about animals and nature, and so on. Plant some seeds and watch them grow. Take nature walks and explore when possible. Let her paint, color, cut and paste, play with clay, string beads, etc.–she'll not only have fun but will likely build the fine motor skills needed for learning to write.
She'll learn more and have more fun with such things than with a standard sit-down curriculum that most 4-yr.-olds aren't ready for anyway.
Id like to know (from experience please) what curriculum you use and why you use it. Thank you!
MATH: Teaching Textbooks, gr. 6 & 7
Very thorough, great reviews
GRAMMAR: Winston Grammar, basic
Great review of basics
SPELLING: A Reason for Spelling, 6th
Meets all learning styles
WRITING: Jump-In for Reluctant Writers
Great, non-threatening program
SCIENCE: Apologia, General Science & Zoology 3
Excellent program with a Creationist foundation
HISTORY: Abeka, 6th
Nicely put together for a non-history parent.
2nd grader can read already
Kindergartner doesn't read yet
We are using the CA state adopted stuff now along with MathUSee.
I am interested in SonLight for history and reading, but am open to anything worthy of our time.
We use "The Well-Trained Mind" as our framework because the outline it gives seems very academically sound, going into subjects in an orderly fashion but in great depth–rather than skimming only along the surface of subjects.
We use their plan with a lot of library books for science since the science textbooks I've seen for the elementary levels have very little information in them and are boring. The library's nonfiction section has lots of science books that go into more depth and are more interesting. And the kids are learning so much from them.
For grammar, we've been using First Language Lessons, which gives a solid grounding in grammar. The lessons don't take a lot of time and don't involve a lot of busy work.
For math, we're using Saxon Math. A lot of homeschoolers love it. We switched to it when I realized that the kids weren't able to progress as they should because they didn't have a firm foundation in the basic math facts. I like also that Saxon Math doesn't let them forget lessons they studied a few weeks ago, as it keeps throwing review problems in.
For social studies, we have, in the past, gone through "The Story of the World" for world history which my kids loved so much that we went through it faster than recommended–and I plan to re-use that series again next year; this time using the activity books with the stories, too. This year we did American history and state history using a variety of books from the library. We started with "The History of US" by Joy Hakim which a lot of homeschoolers like, but it has so many volumes in the series and they get into way too much detail for elementary students, so we quit using it and went to a hodge podge of library books instead.
We've also used the library a lot for books on art and music. (We read about a number of composers and artists as well as learning some art techniques.)
For reading, we read. Lots and lots of books.
You might want to check out to see what others think of a wide variety of curriculum to help you make your choices. Good luck.
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Why can’t we be friends? Why can’t we be friends? I seen you ‘round for a long long time I really ‘membered you when you drink my wine” Sing it with me.
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