Questions and Answers
Hi. I'm 14 and next year going into high school. I don't like the school I'm district for because of the people. It use to be a really good school but now more than 3 police officers are there because of fights and drugs. I was suppose to be going to a private school but I got a C (which would be a B if my school graded the way the others do) in te subjec I've always strugled in and my dad said no to it. So I'm considerin homeschooling. How is it?
Homeschooling varies a great deal from one family to the next. Some try to copy the schools and so it is a lot like school but without the peer pressure and bullying. But others do things differently than schools–whether it is giving the student more choice and/or control over what is studied and when and where it is studied, doing things more hands-on, using fewer boring textbooks and more "real" books, or whatever. Homeschooling means that the control is in the hands of the family, so what homeschooling is like would depend on what your family wants it to be like. (You might want to read some books, check your public library, on different styles of homeschooling to get some ideas of the various options that are out there.)
What do you think about homeschooling? Pros and cons?
10 points for best response!
Homeschooling is great. I am a homeschooler myself. Independent study without the bother of 3or so classmates is nice. Many people, mostly parents' friends and acqaintances, had a problem with me homeschooling. They said I do not know how to socialize, my parents dont know the proper way to raise a child, my parents cheating me of a healthy lifestyle, etc. I found it very funny many of these people thought I am a social misfit. (I am considered to be the role model of the perfect person by all these people and their friends). It is just that when you do something new, you tend to arouse curiosity, and sometimes their concern for you can go overboard. It was very funny that every time my social skills were mentioned, it was at a party. (And I thought it would be obvious)
My point is some people may/may not like it, but it is your decision.
Good Luck with Homeschooling.
How about private schools?
And home schooling?
I believe congregated home schooling efforts will be the future.
Just a few reasons
1) Several possible curriculum are available online and can be tailored to individual student, rather than stereotyped into basic group curriculum (as they are in public and private school)
2) Parents whose families are friend can take turns taking the role as teacher, leaving other parents free to pursue near-full-time careers a majority the time. This is also very cost effective vs. The massive costs of private and Montessori schools.
3) Social mishaps, such a violent bullying and teasing at public school, can be more readily avoided…the children and parents can work together to find friends…rather than force the child to choose essentially either people at a private/public school as friends or no friends.
Children can also learn to have people outside school environment as friends, and understand and befriend people of different ages more openly (IE not be embarrassed to say they spend time discussing movie/book reviews with an older man they met at a movie/book club outside school).
4) Homeschooling can easily be integrated with Montessori curricula with has a strong history of training, for example, 5th grade aged kids to understand 10th grade level literature. Children move at their own pace and learn to curiously approach learning, rather than fear it as a punishment.
Also home-schoolers, just by being homeschooled, have been surveyed as being in the top 15% in SAT scores for over 90% of students and more successful transition into college. Yes, you heard that right, HOME SCHOOLING MAKES FOR BETTER GRADES.
EVENTS 5-9-14
May 18: Next in the “Discover Cape Cod” series: Mindy Todd, host and producer of The Point on Cape NPR station WCAI, will speak on her work in public radio, 3 p.m.
Homeschooling Costs vs Public Schooling Costs
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