Sunday, May 31, 2015

What This Guy Did After A Storm Destroyed His Fence Is Totally Brilliant. Take That, Nature! - News

Sometimes, Mother Nature can get the best of us. Floods can ruin the engines in our cars and lightning our television receivers. Oh, and high winds can tear down a beautiful fence. That’s what happened to the fence line at a new house this man bought. Only five months after his initial purchase, this fence came down. Instead of mourning the strong spring storm, the homeowner decided to take his lemons and make lemonade.

A storm with high winds tore down the fence the homeowner hoped would last a few years.

After having it taken down, he saw it leaning against a wall and got an idea.

“I ultimately decided the gate as-is wasn’t as great as I wanted for a headboard, but now had piles of old fence post to work with and sketched out some rough plans to create a similar-ish design.”

“Cut the would randomly to rows of my specified. I added in some new fence posts I had and pallet wood to add some diversity.”

“Sanded down very, very lightly to keep all of the imperfections and added some random stains from my pile of various stains.”

Attempting to straighten the boards a little…

He was thinking of attaching the headboard with cleats…

“I decided to not go with cleats and rather screw the headboard directly to the studs. Stability and security was my number one concern.”

“I added cross boards on the back to keep the boards together and align with the studs in my room. I used a pocket jig to attach some of the horizontal boards, but in some places I used metal plates to reenforce. I also drilled holes for my semi-decorative lights I was going to include. “

Overall, the owner was happy with the headboard…

It looks so cool, we can understand why.

Source: Reddit This is how you take the lemons life hands you and turn them into lemonade. This should be a lesson you remember forever… and share with others!

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What This Guy Did After A Storm Destroyed His Fence Is Totally Brilliant. Take That, Nature!
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Grandma Finds The Internet - News

Grandma Finds The Internet

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Grandma Finds The Internet
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Wired’s nipple slip early contender for correction of the year - News

Wired’s interview with Dropbox CEO Drew Houston is a good read, but you might want to skip right to the correction at the end for the very best part.

“Correction appended [2:37 P.M. PST/9/17]: A previous version of this story incorrectly quoted Dropbox co-founder Drew Houston saying “anyone with nipples” instead of “anyone with a pulse.”

The obvious question: how does one mishear “pulse” as “nipples”? You can’t even try to blame that on autocorrect.!/jank0/status/380102611065532416

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Wired’s nipple slip early contender for correction of the year
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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sound the alarms! Bloomberg View writer says ‘climate migrants’ need our help - News

If you thought rebranding “climate change” as “climate disruption” was ridiculous, you’ll enjoy this offering from Bloomberg View editorial writer Christopher Flavelle:

If rich countries won't make deeper cuts or pay for adaptation, why not take in climate migrants? @BV #Climate2014

— Christopher Flavelle (@cflav) September 23, 2014

Bless his heart:

Today’s United Nations climate summit is a reminder that rich countries still aren’t ready to make deep cuts to their carbon emissions or make significant payments to help poor countries cope with the consequences of those emissions. Which raises the question: For countries that want to be good global citizens, is there a third option?

How about giving the people displaced by climate change somewhere else to live?

If anyone needs us. we’ll be over here. Clutching our aching sides.

Climate migrants?! RT @CounterMoonbat: Oh FFS…

— Heather (@hboulware) September 23, 2014

Ye gods. RT @hboulware: Climate migrants?! RT @CounterMoonbat: Oh FFS…

— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) September 23, 2014

@CounterMoonbat Climate migrants?!! Lol

— Carl Gustav (@CaptYonah) September 23, 2014


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Sound the alarms! Bloomberg View writer says ‘climate migrants’ need our help
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Good News! Eventually The Universe Will Become Too Cold And Everything Will Just Die - News

Something to keep in mind the next time the long, cold winter has got you down.

1. Let’s assume that about 13.7 billion years ago, there was a sort of biggish kind of bang. Let’s call it the “Biggish Bang.”

Adult Swim

During this “Biggish Bang,” all the energy and matter in the universe suddenly popped into existence, and literally everything just started exploding all over the place all at once.

2. Naturally, a bang that biggish would produce a lot of energy. In fact, it produced all the energy. As you might imagine, having all the energy and matter all at once in one place gets a little toasty.

“Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” / FOX

3. Which is great! The universe needs energy and heat! It’s what makes things do things. Without energy, matter would be pretty useless.

4. And here we are, 13.7 billion years later. The universe is still pretty hot, and there’s still plenty of energy to go around.

Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures


5. We can think and move and everything is great, and we can all look at this video because our fingers and eyes and brains and computers all work:

The wonders of a universe in action!

6. All processes — mechanical, chemical, electric, nuclear — even life — require a hot universe brimming with energy. WHICH WE HAVE! The universe is lousy with energy. The universe is literally a hot mess.

Here’s an example of one of our universe’s most complex processes: cats.

7. But, we’re not done exploding yet. That “Biggish Bang” is still happening, and everything is still pushing outward and expanding from that one point in space and time 13.7 billion years ago.

Adult Swim

8. And here’s the thing, as we expand, more and more of that precious heat and energy is dissipating. The heat and energy is getting lost to entropy. Things are getting colder.

9. Think of the universe as a hot, steamy bathroom in an apartment where the heat doesn’t work. When you open the door, all that hot steam rushes out, and all that cold air rushes in, until the two spaces become about the same temperature. (Cold.)

Warner Bros. Pictures

10. Scientists think something along those lines might be happening in the universe. As we expand, the hot, steamy energy from the beginning of the universe is rushing out into entropy.

11. We’re exploding our way to an equilibrium, where the whole universe is evening out to the point where everything is the same temperature. (You know… cold.)

12. And as the explosion dies out, and everything cools off, there’s less and less energy and heat to go around.

13. So all those processes that use energy and heat — mechanical, chemical, electric, nuclear, and yes, even life — won’t have the stuff that makes things do things.

14. The universe will slowly freeze, and everything in it — everything that has been and will be — will die. It’s totally unavoidable and inevitable.

20th Century Fox / RADiUS-TWC

17. Everything will just sort of… fade out. As T.S. Eliot put it in his poem, “The Hollow Men”:

PHOTO: Sean F. White – Terra Sacra Time Lapses

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

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Good News! Eventually The Universe Will Become Too Cold And Everything Will Just Die
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My roommate keeps using my orange juice as his chaser on the weekends - News

My roommate keeps using my orange juice as his chaser on the weekends

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My roommate keeps using my orange juice as his chaser on the weekends
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‘The punchline America missed': Missing #NerdProm slide found at last - News

President Obama was right about one thing: the joke doesn’t quite work without the slide.

The joke, delivered at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday, was set up with President Obama commenting on George W. Bush’s painting hobby. The president wanted to show off some of his own artwork, and then … nothing.

In any case, here’s the punchline, at last.!/twitconnect/status/463373954371952640

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‘The punchline America missed': Missing #NerdProm slide found at last
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Members of Congress tweet photos of their moms - News

Today, some members of Congress took a time-out from their usual bloviating  to celebrate Mother’s Day:

Wishing all moms a wonderful Mothers Day! My mom came to visit me in DC

— Rep. Erik Paulsen (@RepErikPaulsen) May 12, 2013

Happy mothers day! Our mothers are so important- This is my granddaughter Olivia with Mom and me.…

— Steve Pearce (@RepStevePearce) May 12, 2013

A very happy Mother’s Day to my mom and all the other great moms out there!

— Joe Garcia (@JoeGarcia) May 12, 2013

Celebrating the many mothers in my life. So proud this great American tradition started in WV. Happy Mother’s Day!…

— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) May 12, 2013

Happy #MothersDay! Returning from internment, my mother inspired me to fight for social justice & those w/o a voice…

— Rep. Mike Honda (@RepMikeHonda) May 12, 2013

A very happy Mother’s Day to all the hardworking moms. I am so blessed to have an amazing mom. Thanks for all you do!…

— Lynn Jenkins (@RepLynnJenkins) May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day to all. Feliz Dia de las Madres para todas Recordando a mi Mama y todo el amor que me dio.…

— Jose E. Serrano (@RepJoseSerrano) May 12, 2013

Take time to reflect on the care and love our mothers have showed. My mother Inez had a wonderful influence on me.…

— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) May 12, 2013

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms, including my amazing mother!So thankful for the blessings of motherhood!…

— Rep. Martha Roby(@RepMarthaRoby) May 12, 2013

Left and Right may not agree on much, but hopefully we can all agree that loving moms should be appreciated.

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Members of Congress tweet photos of their moms
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Creepy Condescending Wonka - News

Creepy Condescending Wonka

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Creepy Condescending Wonka
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Makes no sense. - News

Makes no sense.

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Makes no sense.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rupert Murdoch: Attacks on Pope Francis are ‘misguided’ - News

If you woke up today wondering how Rupert Murdoch feels about the criticism toward Pope Francis, you now know.

@rupertmurdoch Says Rupert Murdoch, not involved in any way, shape, or form.

— (@petercoffin) March 17, 2013

@rupertmurdoch You are hilarious!

— Max Valiquette (@maxvaliquette) March 17, 2013

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Rupert Murdoch: Attacks on Pope Francis are ‘misguided’
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Here Are 10 Facts About Your Favorite Celebrities That I Bet You Didn’t Know. #1 Is Unbelievable. - News

We’ve all heard the recent celebrity gossip, but how about we explore some mind-warping celebrity facts? Here are 10 of our favorites. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the Al Pacino and Facebook.

1.) He does have a great jawline.

2.) It happens when you’re an amazing actor.

3.) I’m not sure that even Jake Gyllenhaal could have saved that movie.

4.) Go Keanu!

5.) She doesn’t even have an accent.

6.) It must be nice to have all the money.

7.) Robert Pattinson’s lucky break.

8.) Either way she’s still a badass.

9.) That would be one heck of a family reunion.

10.) She certainly proved her teacher wrong.

That’s so cool about Al Pacino. I wonder if he even knows. Share these crazy facts with your friends by clicking below.

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Here Are 10 Facts About Your Favorite Celebrities That I Bet You Didn’t Know. #1 Is Unbelievable.
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As a fat guy exercising in a gym full of skinny people… - News

As a fat guy exercising in a gym full of skinny people...

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As a fat guy exercising in a gym full of skinny people…
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Monday, May 25, 2015

27 Reasons To Never Go To West London - News

Not. worth. it.

1. So lots of people are willing to pay lots of money to live in West London.

Mathiasmaya / Getty Images

Kensington Gardens

2. For some reason everyone is convinced it’s lovely.


3. Which is crazy.

Joffreym / Getty Images

Portobello Road

4. Because let’s be honest…

Kuczin / Getty Images

Richmond Park

5. West London is the absolute worst.

Fulham Chapel

6. First of all, it’s so crowded.

Philip Hugh Mcelhinney / Getty Images

Richmond Park

7. It’s the most boring area of London by far.

Sung Kuk Kim / Getty Images

The Natural History Museum

8. Nothing happens there.

Notting Hill Carnival

9. Honestly, the culture is completely non-existant.

The Bush Theatre

10. There’s just nothing particularly special about it.

Maida Vale

11. Summers in West London are truly pathetic.

Hyde Park

12. And when winter hits, the whole area is completely useless.

Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park

13. I mean, who wants to see this?

Brook Green

14. West London is like the most boring guy at a party.

Banksy, Portobello Road

15. It has no character.

Ladbroke Grove

16. And even less style.

Notting Hill

17. Everybody there shops at Waitrose.

Portobello Market

18. It’s just the worst.

Kyoto Gardens

19. Every square inch of West London is stressful and unpleasant.

Tiggymorse / Getty Images

Richmond Park

20. Getting a breath of fresh air is pretty much impossible.

Leg O’Mutton Nature Reserve.

21. This otter can not even BELIEVE it’s stuck in West London.

London Wetlands Centre

22. Kew Gardens is nothing but a massive mud hole.

Siraphol / Getty Images

Kew Gardens

23. And what’s so special about Richmond Park anyway?

Aimee1065 / Getty Images

Richmond Park

24. It’s impossible to escape the eyesore that is Hammersmith Bridge.

Hammersmith Bridge

25. You have to go central or east to do anything interesting.

Shepherd’s Bush

26. West is basically just a wasteland at the edge of the city.

Gunnersbury Park

27. How sad is it that some people actually have to live here?

Chiswick House

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27 Reasons To Never Go To West London
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