Tuesday, May 27, 2014

English Homeschool Curriculum - News

Questions and Answers

A good homeschool curriculum for HIGH SCHOOL grade 10 that has HISTORY/READING/ENGLISH?

Anyone know of a good complete curriculum that encompasses history, reading, and english? For grade 10. I know of sonlight but it is quite costly. Any other options besides creating your own?

Posted by .


I have a friend who used http://ift.tt/1iq9R8X

It's a correspondence school, so they send everything and then grade it. It has a very traditional curriculum.

Good luck :D.

What is the fastest, simplest homeschool curriculum?

I need a curriculum for my daughter for the 11th grade. She is doing school over the summer, and I want a fast, simple, straight-forward curriculum for her. Something that will deliver the basic-facts information she needs without unnecessary gimmicks, and extra work. Any complete curriculum's you suggest, or specific books that are good?

She is taking these classes:

Algebra II

American Government and Economics


and 11th grade English. Thanks!

Posted by Cowgirl13


Math-U-See is good for math. http://ift.tt/1iq9QBT;

11th grade English is pretty vague since each school or family covers different things. If you want a good writing program, try the Student Writing Intensive from the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Level C is for high school http://ift.tt/1jZiOLR

Veritas Press has many good comprehension guides for different classic literature books. Many are listed for grades 3-6 of their catalog, but can easily be used in high school as well. http://ift.tt/1jZiNaQ; Pick a few books she would be interested in.

Apologia is good chemistry. You can get it from Rainbow Resource http://ift.tt/1iq9Rpm;

We use literature for social studies instead of a textbook, so I recommend Sonlight's Government/Economics 400. http://ift.tt/1jZiOM0

Looking for an Australian homeschool curriculum?

I want to homeschool my 3 girls aged 4(has learning difficulties due to sleep apnoea), 5(has a speech impediment) and 6(way beyond her peers at school) but being that I have never done it before I would really like to buy a boxed curriculum for at least the first year so I don't overwhelm myself. I would really like something with Australian spelling and not overly religious but I would also like to get a complete curriculum for the year without having to spend hours searching through every nook on the internet to find a maths program here and science one there etc. But on the other side of the coin I really don't have a large amount of money to throw around on a curriculum so any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I really do feel like I'm in way over my head here lol

Thankyou in advance for any help

Dame I have no idea how to respond to you other than this. Your points while I'm sure are valid in certain circumstances are not always the norm. My 6yo is in school at present, even though we did our own version of kindergarten last year because we lived too far from any school, and by the end of the year she was reading, writing and doing basic arithmetic. Now I never said she was gifted just way beyond her peers and she has been kept at the same level as her class mates where she is bored out of her brain doing things she already knows and getting in trouble because her boredom leads her to get theatrical.

My 5 yo, who is actually my step daughter, has speech therapy at her kindy, but instead of being with a a trained speech therapist it is 15 minutes Monday and Wednesday with a volunteer who is given print outs readily accessible on the internet, most of which I actually used last year while working through my then 3yo's speech impediment, who by the way speaks quite clearly now.

Oh I almost forgot

Funnily enough I'm not a teacher, but I did hold a cert III in Children's Services and worked in the infants room at our local child care centre before my eldest was born and although I loved the job I could not justify handing my own children over for someone else to raise while I am more than capable just for the few extra dollars it would bring in when we do just fine on one income.

I would also like to thank those that answered with links because I have no idea who linked it but at some point today while looking through them I stumbled upon WinterPromise which I know we will all love and for a complete package plus all the amazing added extras comes in just shy of our $800 budget for this year.

Thankyou all again.

Posted by Nae_Pants


Hmm, my family are lifelong home-educators but we're natural learners (aka unschoolers) so don't use a curriculum and never have done so; hence I don't really have that much to say that might help, I'm afraid.

As you've no doubt found, there seems to be heaps of resources, organised by subject and age, available online for you to take and tie together to form your own curriculum but little in the way of 'all in one' curriculums. Possibly, I reckon, because curricula are more the domain of distance education and Australia maintains a far greater degree of separation between DE and home-educators than, say, Americans seem to do.

The websites I did find that you might find useful were:

http://ift.tt/1iq9Rpo; (maths and english)

http://ift.tt/1jZiNaY; (incl. Currently Art, History, Languages, Science, Maths and IT; more to follow soon apparently)

http://ift.tt/1jZiOM2; (maths)



The rest all seem to be US-based and US-centric in attitude and content.

The only other thing I could suggest is you take a look at UK-based curricula; spelling etc is pretty much the same as is history etc (prior to 1788); actually, the english syllabii seem to include a fair amount of info on Australia and failing that you could always just 'parachute in' Aussie specific material. There was one Aussie mum here (don't know if she's still around) who used the American curriculum in classical education and simply dumped the irrelevant bits such as the American constitution and pledge of allegiance.

Or you could just go to one of the Board of Studies'/ Dept of Education websites and download their essential learning standards, learning objectives, curricula etc and then base your teaching on what is going on in schools.

Homeschool teen graduates college at 15

A teen who was homeschooled by his parents has graduated college at same time many students are finishing their freshman year in high school. Did homeschooling offer an edge?


English Homeschool Curriculum

via WordPress http://ift.tt/1kJdP0N

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