Sunday, October 20, 2013

Whooping Cough Cause - News

Whooping cough is an infectious bacterial illness that affects the respiratory passages. The disease is most contagious during the cold-like initial phase (catarrhal phase). In its early stages, pertussis is indistinguishable from the many colds common in children. However, after one or two weeks, the illness gets progressively worse. Worldwide there are over 60 million cases of pertussis a year with more than half a million deaths.

It is spread by contact with an airborne discharge from the mucous membranes of an infected person. The disease is treated with antibiotics like erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin. These antibiotics result in the person becoming less infectious but in the majority of cases does not change the outcome of the disease.

Whooping cough is thought to be on the rise for two main reasons. The whooping cough vaccine received as a child eventually wears off, leaving most teenagers and adults susceptible to the infection during an outbreak. – and there continue to be regular outbreaks. July 2010, six infants died in California.

Gradually increasing cold, running nose, sneezing, fever, sore throat, loss of appetite and cough are the main symptoms of whooping cough. The coughs become louder (whooping) after a week of infection.Since the disease is highly contagious, don’t allow other children come near the infected ones.

Some people think whooping cough as having gone the way of polio, but it has NOT been wiped out. In fact, the number of reported cases is on the rise again. According to the CDC, over 5000 cases were reported in 2004 and 2005, The largest number since the 1950s. A child can develop this condition even after having the immunization, but hopefully to a much lesser degree.

If treatment is not administered early enough, the whooping cough will mature and you will notice a severe cough, frequent fits of cough which can lead to vomiting in children and all this can last to up to 12-13 weeks. If you do not want to see your child suffer under the jaws of whooping cough, its time you took him or her for immunization. A stitch in time saves nine.

You can also take one tablespoon full of pure honey with a few drops of vodka before going to bed to stop the itchiness of your throat and to help you get a good night sleep.

Infection of the lungs (pneumonia) if the bacteria enter the lungs * Shortness of breath * Bleeding in the eyes of the tension which occurs when persistent cough * Seizures due to oxygen in the brain decreases * The most severe, the infants end in death because of this disease.

The illness starts with a simple cold type of symptom and then after a period of time it get high flying, and can also get very severe after several days without any treatment at all. Another common symptom of the whooping cough condition is frequent vomiting and this can lead up to an even more serious case of damaging various blood vessels which are located around the eye and the nose.

Whooping Cough Cause

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