Well, the "cons" that Kate listed are mostly fictional, so you can't really go by them.
Cons of Homeschooling #1: The time it takes to homeschool
Homeschooling vs public schooling may be a good idea but do you have the time?
Well, my son is completely done with school – lessons, practice, homework, and projects – before the ps kids get *out* of school – then they still have to do homework and chores. Meanwhile, he's playing catch in the yard with his dad and being involved in things he enjoys.
Cons of Homeschooling #2: Unrealistic expectation of results of homeschooling
My expectations of him are that he learn and achieve according to his abilities. Somehow, I don't think that's terribly "unrealistic".
Cons of Homeschooling #3: Limits on family's connection with other families
Huh? We're with other families all the time. We actually have a lot more time to spend time with others *because* we homeschool. He's not up till 9 or 10 every night (at age 10) doing homework, so he can get together with his friends – during the day, even.
Cons of Homeschooling #4: Cost of homeschooling
We homeschool for around $300 per year. I don't think it'll break us.
Cons of Homeschooling #5: Limit of homeschool teacher
His limit isn't my ability – it's his desire to learn, which is nearly unlimited. Half of his outside instructors have been college instructors (he's entering the 6th grade). I have friends who are professional artists, degreed scientists and mathemeticians, engineers, doctors, and writers, all of whom are happy to work with him when needed. I really don't think he's held back too much by my "limits".
Cons of Homeschooling #6: Lack of recognition
Well, he doesn't need to be on the news or in the newspaper to feel like he's done a good job (though both of those have happened, due to his achievements). He is confident enough in his own abilities to have pride in his own good work. He doesn't need to beat a class full of kids in order to feel good about himself. He works hard because he wants to, not because he thinks he can beat out someone else. (That's a direct quote from him, by the way – he's reading over my shoulder.)
Cons of Homeschooling #7: Lack of competition
Well, between auditioning for plays and playing sports, I think he gets enough competition in…in everything else, he naturally competes against his own expectations, rather than against what others expect of him. (His expectations are generally way higher than others, anyway.)
Cons of Homeschooling #8: Lack of accountability
To whom? He's accountable to himself, to me, and to his dad. He's several years above grade level in nearly every subject. Who else does he need to be accountable to – the state, who would bring him backward 3+ years? Yeah…
Cons of Homeschooling #9: No sports involvement
He plays baseball every year, will likely be starting basketball next year, and has the option to play golf, tennis, competitive swimming, football, gymnastics, martial arts, or whatever else he'd like to do. He picks and chooses his activities according to what he likes and what he feels is worth the time and effort. There are more in our area to choose from than one child could ever do.
As you can see, the above "cons" are not cons…they're stereotypes.
There are actually no proven "cons" to homeschooling as an educational option. The only cons that could exist would apply to individual family situations.
For example, it often does cause a financial change in a family. I previously held down a well-paying, very demanding professional position, which I left in order to homeschool my son. Yes, that changed our financial situation, but I don't consider it a con – we make due. We change our habits and don't spend as much. It's something that's definitely worth it to give my son the education that he needs.
And yes, you will be spending a lot more time with your child…but again, I don't see this as a con. I didn't become a mother so that I could ship my child off to be raised by others all day long. If school was the best place for him, I wouldn't have a problem with him being there, and I'd be as involved as humanly possible. However, it's not – home is. I love getting to spend time with him and be a major influence in his life.
The only other con I can think of – and this is one that all of us deal with – is fending off the ignorant remarks and stereotypes from people who can't imagine anything outside the status quo. It gets annoying, but if that's the worst of it, bring it on
Hope that helps!